This notebook creates a graph representation of a Git repository, where nodes are commits and edges connect parent and child commits (Git assigns these dependencies itself).
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from bigbang.archive import Archive
from bigbang import repo_loader;
from bigbang.git_repo import GitRepo;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
In [5]:
repo = GitRepo("..") #couldn't get get_repo to work, using the parent directory, bigbang itself, for data
full_info = repo.commit_data;
Nodes will be Commit objects. All we need for this representation is the HEXSHA ids to match parent and child commits. We also get the commit message to use as a label.
In [17]:
class Commit:
def __init__(self, message, hexsha, parents):
self.message = message
self.hexsha = hexsha
self.parents = parents
def __repr__(self):
return ' '.join(self.message.split(' ')[:4])
#using the first four words of the commit message as the label
We create a list of commits from the commit_data Pandas dataframe.
In [18]:
def get_commits():
commits = []
for index, row in full_info.iterrows():
commits.append(Commit(row["Commit Message"], row["HEXSHA"], row["Parent Commit"]))
return commits
We use the list of commits to create our graph, creating edges wherever a parent is found.
In [19]:
def make_graph(nodes):
G = nx.Graph()
for node in nodes:
for other in nodes:
if other.hexsha in node.parents:
G.add_edge(node, other)
return G
In [20]:
nodes = get_commits()
G = make_graph(nodes)
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, font_size=8, with_labels = False)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos);
In [ ]: